Sunday, November 3, 2013

i obviously haven't done this in a while!

So today I happened to have some extra time, and decided I'd better put some more time into my passion project. I opened the art book and decided to make myself an artist because i felt "in the mood to learn."
Was I wrong...
Have you ever realized that it sometimes doesn't matter how much you feel like doing something? Sometimes, you're just not that great at it. But...greatness requires practice. So I hope to put in some more practice to produce something better than the way things are turning out now.
However, my time was not all wasted {thank goodness.} I now can say that I have a whole lot of experience with pencil shading {and all the different sharpness-es/hardness-es of the drawing pencils} as well as some practice with basic facial features.
My favorite one to do is the eye... mostly because it looks the best and I am sort of good at it :P The nose, not so much. There are so many different angles and sizes and shapes when it comes to noses that it's hard to get it just right. Especially if i'm trying to get it to look like an example for when i work on portraits later!
I like working with the softer pencils because they smudge a bit easier, and most lines on faces aren't really defined, other than the outline. Creases by the eyes or other lines aren't made by just using one line, it takes a bit of shading and a couple strokes {and erasing!} to perfect it.
My main challenge when drawing my practice eyes was the eyelashes. They ended up looking a bit more like checkmarks, rather than eyelashes. I have to work on getting the curve but also going from the thick to thin like an eyelash is.
i'll add a few pictures of my practice work soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Bryanne, I love the comment about how, "it sometimes doesn't matter how much you feel like doing something? Sometimes, you're just not that great at it. But...greatness requires practice." Yes! Desire is important. Talent is important. BUT, the most important element of success is effort. Greatness doesn't simply materialize without mistakes and hard work.
